Many people ignore the change of nails in the feet, underestimate the possible danger. Onychomycosis (scientific name for the nail fungus) is not a cosmetic defect, but a problem of health. The constant exposure to the toxins produced by the fungus, leading to chronic poisoning of the organism. As a result, there is fatigue, weakness, disorders in the functioning of the immunity. Not to mention that, affected by the fungus of the nails do not look aesthetically pleasing, and cause revulsion in others.

That dangerous onychomycosis?
Itching, burning sensation and discomfort when fungal defeat of the skin instigated by the contact of the epidermis of mycotoxins. These exotic invasive to the human body, substances have poisonous properties, the cause of the inflammation and perturb the metabolism in the cells of the skin.
The defeat of the nail plate from the symptoms expressed by the child. Unpleasant itching sensations occur only in the cases when the fungus "hits" to the tissue underneath the nail plate. The fungus lives in the nail, and multiply, highlighting the poison into the surrounding tissue. The body suffers poison, only the toxins are supplied in smaller quantities than when the ringworm.
Launched onychomycosis accompanied by the cracking and damage of the skin around the nail is the gateway to other infections. It is possible the appearance of wounds and drainage, does not rule out the infection of pseudomonas wand and golden staph. Long coexistence with the fungus, end onycholysis complete destruction of the nail. The new inserts will not re-grow, leaving the surface of the fingers without protection. The tissue under the nails are not adapted to the friction, the pressure, the contact with the environment. The man without a nail in the foot pain. The use of shoes becomes a torture. Appear doubts and complexes.
Onychomycosis is more difficult to cure the fungal infection of the skin. Nail plate more dense, and its base is located in the interior of the dermis. The fungus is able to distribute its spores, which are difficult to solve, even with the aid of powerful drugs
How to detect problems with the nails?
Mycobacteria are found here only in the top layer of the plate. In it you can see shiny spots and stains, easy to heterogeneity of the structure, the absence of natural glow.
The process of developing nail fungus
In the second stage of the infection penetrates into the interior of the nail. This is manifested by the change of its color, the shape, the structure. Nail plaza exfoliated, thickens, loses elasticity and becomes brittle. When the cut nail is broken and it crumbles.
The third, initiated the stage is characterized by a change of the structure and the appearance of the nail. Becomes whitish, yellow or greenish, it loses the transparency. The plate several times is complicated, the clipping becomes difficult. The shape of the nail changes in it appear the tabs and the hills. In the last phase to occur and other signs of a fungal infection – itching in the skin, pain and burning sensation, cracks and burrs in the cuticles. Often, the fungus "spreading" on the skin and nails to the side. In this case, the dryness, the itching and hyperkeratosis appear on the sole of the foot and between the toes. In the absence of a proper treatment, you can damage the nail matrix, it dies and falls off.

Onychomycosis is easier to treat in the early stages of development. To detect changes in the surface of the nail, to pedicure best to use a colourless varnish. Every week we must carry out "a review" of the nails in the feet carefully inspect, cut off, apply a new coat of varnish.
The treatment of the
Start the treatment of the fungi is necessary as soon as possible. In an ideal situation, since the appearance of the spots. The spread of fungal spores throughout the nail plate will affect the speed of your growth. Dead nails grow slowly, which also complicates the treatment process. The nail can be considered cured after 1-2 months after complete replacement of the plaza healthy. The more time on the process of regeneration – the most important of the cost of therapy.
For the selection of medicines, you should consult a doctor. The treatment of fungal infections takes care of a dermatologist. The specialist will determine the degree of negligence of onychomycosis, and will schedule special tests. The laboratory scraped with the affected nail will grow to identify the type of fungus and its sensitivity to the fungicide by the media. The specific treatment of medications guarantees the complete destruction of the infection and relapse prevention. If you select the medication correctly, your application does not have effect. Under the supervision of a dermatologist, your treatment is faster and more efficient
The process of pharmacological treatment, it should be checked. In the process of use of drugs that the fungus is able to adapt to it – to acquire resistance (resistance). Weak medication only "dream" of the infection. Visual of healing, does not exclude the possibility that the controversy of the infection have been left in the dish. Once the person discontinues the treatment, the fungus becomes active again.
The therapy of onychomycosis involves the use of local media. Is solutions, ointments, gels, pastes, varnishes. They act on the surface of the skin and the surface of the nail, killing the fungus. In cases will require the application of the fungicide of funds of the system – acting capsules or tablets. Sometimes in the complex therapy are vitamins and stimulating the immunity.
Medicine or folk medicine: what to choose?
The practice of traditional medicine recommend dozens of different recipes against the onychomycosis. They are often used in foods, herbs, as well as pharmacists of the tool of the group of antiseptics. These "medicines" do not have fungicidal steps. You are not able to kill the fungus. Within the capabilities popular compositions of stopping their multiplication. This will allow you to grow, let it grow a healthy nail plate. However, within it will remain spores of fungi, which are activated after the completion of the treatment.

The application of popular recipes of onychomycosis is appropriate only in the first stage of its development. If it is running, the form of treatment is very long and will not give long lasting results.
For the treatment of nail fungus should be to collect the drug. However, the modern pharmaceutical industry offers the means universal – fungistatic and fungicide, the substance of broad-spectrum. Some of them are able to kill more than 10 strains of fungi at the same time. In order to prevent hronizatsii onychomycosis, throughout the therapy it is better to replace a drug 2 to 3 times. In the cases of the local media of the action is not enough. The guarantee of healing only give you a comprehensive approach taking the tablets and the use of foreign medications.
If you interfere with the plan of treatment, apply medicines or folk medicines regularly, do not carry the therapy through – nail fungus it will stay there, where it was. In addition, the infection will be stronger and it will be worse to yield to the influence of fungicide substances.
How to prepare the nail?
The treatment of onychomycosis on the great toe of the foot is quite problematic. Is the most big, heavy, and thick nail plate. In the grand uniform of the square of the fungus reproduces and spreads more rapidly. Surprised with the claw sometimes reaches 5 mm thickness, which hinders the penetration of medicinal substances.
Preparation for the treatment
Before the application of drugs or the tools of folk medicine, with plate should be of special way to prepare:
- wash the feet and nails with the economic importance or an antibacterial soap;
- place feet in a bowl of hot water (bearable temperature) soda-saline (in 1 liter of water add 1 tablespoon of baking soda 2 – salt) for 10 to 15 minutes;
- get your feet wet staff with a towel;
- the maximum cut free edges;
- sawing affected from the nail plate prior to the onset of the sensitivity;
- dry feet in the air and begin the treatment of the medicine.

Such manipulations you will have to repeat weekly, until you eliminate all of the affected part of the nail.
Before you start the treatment, you must prepare some new pairs of socks, a towel for the feet. During the use of them is necessary to wash as often as you can, not necessarily iron irons. It is useful to the bubble with the formaldehyde, as well as the great packaging of the rock wool. Before starting treatment, you should dip 2 bulk cotton in a solution of water and place on the shoes. The shoes have to wrap in a bag and take to the night on the balcony. Morning watu removed, and the shoes of the air for 2-3 hours. Such treatments performed on a weekly basis. After a complete recovery from the fungus normal and the environment of the shoes must be replaced by a new one.
We choose the medication
Heading to the pharmacy to anti-fungal tool, you should ask medicines specifically of the fungi. Standard ointments and creams can not penetrate into the layers of the nail. For the treatment of onychomycosis approach medicines in the form of special solutions and varnishes.
The solutions put on the finger nail twice a day – morning and night, after the hygienic treatment of the legs. The tool is deposited in the lunula (clear plot of land near the base), as well as in the free edge of the plate. In the first month of treatment is best way to treat the skin around the finger, as well as neighbors of the nails. Wash or wash solutions is not necessary.
Medicinal lucky put 1-2 times a week. After drying of the tool forms a dense layer on the surface of the nail, which works twenty-four hours against the fungus.
The treatment by the methodologies of some uncomfortable. Some of the tools you need to prepare, to put in a certain amount of time, cover with plastic, wash. Do all of these procedures must be every day, 2-3 times a day. Below are the more simple and accessible popular methods of treatment of the fungi.
- Tea tree oil. It has antibacterial and antifungal activity. You can only apply with good tolerance. Emission used in pure form. 3 times a day put on the prepared nail. Is deposited on the base and under the plate. The treatment continues until the complete regeneration of the nail.
- The iodine. Kiosks pharmaceutical alcohol solution of iodine put in the nail of the finger two times in the day, fully processing its surface with a cotton swab. The expenses of the colouring of the plates and the skin around them.
- The vinegar. The apple or wine vinegar permeate the lump of rock wool. You put it on the nail, is served with a plastic film, secure the bandage or a band-aid. Leave to the impact in the 3-4 hours after that remove the bandage from your eyes and to wash away the remnants of vinegar. When the treatment should be alert to the burns in the skin. The good tolerance of the dressing place on the entire night.
Other well-known media grated garlic, onion-the mixture of honey, the slurry of propolis and alcohol, the mixture of aloe juice and the mustard. All these medicines can be used when milder forms of mold. The dermatologists recommend the use of the media only in addition to medical treatment.
How much time ğsemántica the result?

The duration of treatment is purely individual. The time limits depend on the degree of condition of the fungus, its square, the presence of complications such as tinea corporis, or immunodeficiency. From mild forms of the fungus in the toe of the leg, can be removed 3-4 months. Deeper the defeat of having to deal with six months, approximately. In cases of therapy lasts up to a year. Even after full healing of onychomycosis remains the risk of recurrence of the infection. To exclude, it is necessary to apply prevention tools, regularly and qualitatively to take care of the feet.
When an excessive sweating, you should use talcum powder, deodorant special. The footwear must handle the solutions of the anti-fungal drugs, to change the template, qualitatively let it dry in the open air. The same principles should be taken into account for the prevention of onychomycosis. The key is the individual use of the shoes, socks and towels in the common areas (Turkish bath, sauna, swimming pool, massage service).
To cure the running disease fungicide remedies, it is important to know what you are afraid of nail fungus. This depends on the success of intensive therapy, clinical results. The main thing is to stop the reproduction process of the infection, cut off the attack. To productively win the nail fungus remedies, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and completing the diagnosis, transfer to intensive care