Mycosis of the skin is always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, redness and peeling. This is why everyone should be aware of foot fungus. Home treatment is more popular, since it does not require financial costs and is no worse than expensive drugs from a pharmacy in terms of effectiveness.
popular recipes
In traditional medicine, there are many ways to quickly and easily help get rid of this problem. The main condition is to start treatment as soon as the first signs of an infectious disease appear.
The most effective home remedies:
- medical iodine;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- celandine grass;
- apple essence;
- sodium bicarbonate.
When using it, it should be noted that these components can cause side effects in the form of dry or peeling skin.
This is due to the fact that it is the drying effect that creates obstacles to the growth and reproduction of pathogens.
iodine solution

Ordinary iodine copes well with fungal infections, it is used for treatment with antiseptics. In addition, it contains substances that negatively affect the protein compounds of the pathogenic flora, so that after several applications, the growth of the fungus stops.
Some recipes that will help cure foot fungus at home:
- You will need 5 liters of hot water and 3 tablespoons of iodine. Mix everything and lower the diseased limbs into this solution, hold for about half an hour. Then dry your feet well. You need to take such a bath every other day until the disease disappears.
- For the next remedy, you need to prepare medical alcohol and iodine in a 1: 1 ratio. Mix everything well, moisten a cotton swab in the liquid and treat the affected areas of the skin with it. It is best to carry out such therapeutic measures every day in the evening. As a general rule, after 7 to 10 days, the severity of symptoms decreases.
Iodine treatment is not recommended for people with individual intolerance, as well as in the presence of thyroid diseases. In addition, such formulations cause dry skin, and the wrong dosage can cause severe burns.
Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a healing compress. To do this, you need to take a 3% solution, abundantly moisten the gauze bandage and apply it to the legs for 20-30 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can put a plastic film over the bandage and wrap a warm scarf on top. This procedure is carried out twice a day for 7 days.
Such applications prevent the spread of infection and provide antiseptic treatment. After the session, itching and unpleasant foot odor, which causes athlete's foot, are significantly reduced.
Peroxide baths are also very popular. To do this, you need to dilute 4 large tablespoons of the solution in two liters of water, put your feet in the container and keep it there for exactly 2 hours. Repeat the activity in the morning and at night.
The benefits of celandine
This plant has long been known for its beneficial properties in the treatment of many dermatological diseases. You can cure the fungus on the legs with fresh and dried celandine.
To prepare a solution for steaming the affected limbs, you will need 3 tablespoons of the crushed plant and 1 cup of boiling water. It is necessary to boil the mixture for about 10 minutes, cool slightly and steam the legs in the solution for 20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out such medical procedures with herbs twice a day.
Lotions help a lot. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab or a clean cloth in a decoction of celandine and apply it to the place where the fungus appeared. Wait 20 minutes, remove the bandage and let the skin dry or soak it with a dry cloth.
In severe cases, it is recommended to use pure celandine juice. You can get it directly from the flower.

To do this, you need to make a new shoot, cut it lengthwise and attach it to the problem area. Repeat this event every three days until complete recovery.
This plant is poisonous, so decoctions and infusions must be prepared correctly, following the exact recipe and dosage. Before use, you should consult a doctor, as this herb can cause allergic reactions, burns, and after ingestion - poisoning.
Apple vinager

One of the most effective antimicrobials is apple cider vinegar. To prepare a healing foot bath, you need to dissolve 3 tablespoons of acid in water (5 liters) and mix. The procedure lasts twenty minutes and is required every day.
You can prepare the necessary solution for antifungal application. Take the essence and the water in equal volumes, soak a gauze in this liquid and apply to the affected foot, set and keep for 25 minutes.
Before using any of these products, it is necessary to treat the skin around the lesions with a rich antiseptic cream. This will protect healthy skin from excessive dryness, peeling, and possible infection.
Other fighting methods
There are many other home remedies to treat foot fungus. One of them is regular baking soda. The drug can be prepared according to the following popular recipes:
- Pour a tablespoon of soda and iodized salt into a container of hot water, mix everything well and dip the limbs in this solution. It will be enough to engage in such activities for half an hour a day. After that, be sure to dry your feet with a towel and put on clean socks.
- The next bath is prepared a little differently. Tar soap is grated, you will need 2 tablespoons and the same amount of soda. Both components are added to hot water (7 liters) and mixed. The application method is similar to the previous one.
- Soda applications have a good antifungal effect, but they have a significant drawback: they dry out the skin very much. To prepare the solution, you need to take baking soda (3 tablespoons) and boiled water (4 tablespoons). Mix everything, apply the resulting mixture to the wounds. Wait exactly 10 minutes and you can wash off.
- Another effective remedy is used as follows: the place where the fungus has formed is liberally sprinkled with baking soda, left in this form for five minutes, and then poured with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Wait for the composition to react and foam, wait a few minutes and you can rinse.
- Many people use tar soap to fight fungus. It contains substances that contribute to the drying of the epidermis and eliminate sweating and bad odor that occur during illness. Doctors advise using it for preventive purposes, for this it is enough to wash your feet every day with soap and water.
- Tar soap can be used as compresses, they are especially useful in the early stages. To do this, crush a piece and dissolve it in boiling water. In this solution, the tissue is moistened and applied to the lesion for 20-25 minutes.
- An indoor aloe flower will help eliminate the problem. This family doctor has a very healthy juice. To cook, you need to cut the leaves, chop them and pour boiling water. Leave the healing solution for 3-4 hours so that it is well infused. It is better to soak a medical cotton swab and treat the skin in the right place. Such activities should be carried out twice a day.
- Fresh lemon also fights mycosis, it is cut into slices and applied for a quarter of an hour to problem areas of the body. Citrus fruits can also help eliminate odor if you rub the juice on your feet at night.

Another simple yet effective cure for fungus is made from garlic. There are several preparation options:
- Take a few slices, make them into a pulp and squeeze them well through a sterilized bandage. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting garlic juice and treat the affected area. This procedure is repeated three times a day.
- Mix the squeezed garlic gruel and onion juice. Apply the composition to a clean cloth in the combustion chamber. Secure it with a bandage and leave it for half an hour.
Garlic will have an antibacterial effect on the infection and will stop the growth of pathogenic microflora, eliminating the smell. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to carry out this procedure every day.
tips and tricks
Before proceeding to the treatment of skin mycosis, it is necessary to remove what was in contact with the infected skin. Maybe:
- towel;
- litter;
- stockings;
- Shoes.
They should not be thrown away, but boiled and then washed with any disinfectant. The use of unhygienic footwear is strongly discouraged. This will cause a reinfection.

At the time of treatment, it is worth abandoning socks made of synthetic materials, it is preferable to use products made of natural fabric. Shoes should also be selected properly so that they do not burn and rub, the feet in them should in no case sweat and squeeze. This is due to the fact that sweat is a favorable environment for the pathogen. Under such conditions, the pathogenic microflora progresses and multiplies.
Folk remedies are more effective in combination with drug therapy. In this case, getting rid of skin mycosis will be much faster.