One of the pathologies of the epidermis is considered to be fungus between the toes of the feet. The treatment largely depends on the accompaniment of the diseases and the degree of negligence. More often to eliminate the signs of mycosis are assigned anti-fungal money in different ways. In the initial phase of the disease is quite effective and popular methods that you can use at home without harm to the health.
The cause of the disease
On the basis of the condition est contact with the skin infections by fungi, which causes fungus in the toe of the feet. With a strong immunity of the human body takes away the infection and the disease does not develop. But many people, the immune system is weakened, which is what makes the environment favorable for the development of the disease.
People can become infected from a sick person by direct contact, as well as the use of the common elements of health. The towels home, shoes and other things that are the source of infection. Scars factors are:
- Dermatological diseases of chronic character sometimes with acute episodes eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis.
- The permanent use of the close and return of artificial materials.
- Regular infringement of rules of personal hygiene.
- The deficit in the organism of vitamins and minerals.
- The intensive work of sweat glands, which leads to that between the fingers is wet. This leads to the development of the infection and the intense multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Frequent injuries on the skin of the foot.
- The violation, on the part of the process of change.
- Vascular pathologies of the lower extremities.
- Ulcers (trophic or wounds in the area of the toes and feet.
- The fungal infection of the nails, which happens in the space between the fingers.
In the group of risk are people who permanently visit the sauna, baths or swimming pools. In these places the accumulation of fungal infections of the elderly, and for infection, just a few minutes of being in the shower cabin, where before stood an infected person. Especially often athlete's foot develops in children in the school or in the preschool closely in contact with the sick.
The symptoms of mycosis
Before curing foot fungus between the fingers, it is necessary to know how it looks and what symptoms appear. Often the disease manifests itself in the following way:

- The initial phase is not different obvious symptoms and can pass without trace for many people. In the delicate skin between the toes cracks, because the class is ill. The epidermis is different to the drought and exfoliate small scales. The sick of the annoying itching and a mild burning. Especially it is felt in the evening, when your feet are free of shoes.The active phase follows the primary and manifested more severe signs. In place of the peeling spots appear red. Itching, accompanying the person continuously, which leads to irritation of the epidermis and a strong itching.
- The stage is characterized by the appearance of bubbles of small size, filled with clear liquid. When you get in touch with with the fabric of the socks and the footwear of the bubbles burst, and in its place appears the crying to the surface and the pain, which sometimes bleed. With time, these areas are covered by the lesions become crusty brown or yellow in colour.
- Initiated the stage is characterized by a proliferation pathological process in the surrounding tissues and nails of the plate. The nails yellow, stratified and crumble. When you try to remove a scab in its place are open wounds, a long time that did not undergo the treatment. The bacteria on the surface of the wound is rapidly developed and come into the deeper layers. The pain accompanying the person constantly, it prevents the normal circulation, the skin is hyperemic and edematous. Constantly appear new filled bubbles no longer fluid, and pus. If the therapy does not exist, the disease can the muscular layer. To get rid of it will be very difficult.
A common feature of fungal infection at any stage will be the bad smell of feet, even after the recent washing and processing of the shoes. The footwear also accumulate bacteria, and it requires the cleaning chemicals with disinfectant effect. The most dangerous potential complication of the injury of the process will be the penetration of the fungal infection in the blood and the development of mycosis of the internal organs.
The methods of diagnosis

Expert dermatologist with enough attention to see the epidermis between the toes, in order to determine the fungal growth. But to clarify the diagnosis, it takes special scrapings of the affected areas, with the objective of the research on the type of infection.
In the laboratory make bacteriological seeding of the material received and reveal the exact look of excitement. After this, the specialist can assign an appropriate therapy.
An important moment in the diagnosis would be to identify the causes and mode of transmission. You must also determine the stage of the disease. If the patient before consulting a specialist had contact with other people or members of the family should perform a preventive treatment of all members of the family in order to prevent infection.
Medical therapy
The treatment of fungus on the toes of the feet depends on the degree of the disease. The initial stage can be cured only foreign media in the form of ointments or solutions. The more advanced cases are provided only to the combination of preformed drug with the outside to achieve maximum results in the short term.
Determining the best option in each case, only the primary care physician. Can not by itself cure the athlete's foot in the home of drugs, as they often have contraindications and side effects, often cause allergic reactions.
If the therapy is not effective over 4 weeks, the patient's condition worsens, then the doctor again taking the scraping with the affected area. This is necessary to determine the sensitivity of the bacteria you are using this medicine.
The recipes of alternative medicine
In the home it is allowed to use some of the home remedies that will help to stop the progression of the disease. The initial stages of fungal infection can be cured by such means:

- Normal bicarbonate of soda and salt. Use must be in the form of baeras, dissolving in 3 liters of water a table spoon each of the funds. The duration of the therapeutic foster home for the session — not less than 20 minutes. The water should be hot, but not burning. Repeat every day, the duration of the course is 2 weeks. The optimal time for the treatment before going to bed.
- Herbarium of the cooking base of chamomile, dry celandine and the leaves of plantain is to become the best home for antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Easy cooking: to separate 50 grams of each ingredient, carefully grind and boil in 3 litres of water at least 5 minutes. Filtered the tool is ready for use after 20 minutes of infusion. The cooking must be placed on the foot and keep you cool. Spend therapy before bedtime every day for 2 to 3 weeks.
- Table vinegar can be used for daily cleaning of the problem areas between the toes or on the quality of the lotions. The second option is recommended in the initial stage, while the section of the defeat of the small. A lotion that is made from the cotton swab, previously with the vinegar, 9% and applied to the place of defeat in 20 minutes. In the day allows up to 3 of the procedures. The therapeutic effect noticeable after 10 days of regular use.
- Alcohol solution of iodine 5% allows you to get rid of fungus in 2 weeks. The treatment should be performed in the morning and evening. Before the procedure the leg, it is recommended to steam on a hot dish and drying it with a towel. The processing should pay attention to not only the skin, but also the plates of the nail so that the infection does not spread. This method can only be used in the initial stage. In case of contact with iodine on open wounds greatly increases the risk of sunburn and the deterioration of the status of the patient.
- The permanganate in the initial phase can be used for the treatment of the affected areas or rasparivaniya of the feet. For the preparation of the solution should be in hot water add several crystals to obtain unsaturated pink tinge. Such a solution can be raised from the foot for 20 minutes per day or soak a cotton bud and some times in the day lubricate the area of the inflammation. As a general rule, just 2 weeks of regular use, or other mode, to completely get rid of mold and mildew.
- The birch tar can be purchased at the pharmacy. To apply you must be pure in the areas to be treated and the nails of the plate. The layer must be very thin, the exposure time of not more than 40 minutes, because it is quite aggressive, the tool and often causes allergic reactions. Faced with the impossibility of getting resolved simply wash the feet every night soap tar. The duration of the therapy tar must not exceed 10 days. Soap in the prevention as it is allowed to use on a permanent basis.

The use of any popular tool require prior consultation with a specialist to avoid complications.
The prevention of the infection
To avoid the disease will help to simple measures of prevention. Must meet strict hygiene rules, give preference to socks and shoes made of natural materials, in a timely manner to treat any type of disease of the skin on the legs or the small of the injury. After the visit to the swimming pool or in the sauna, it is recommended to treat the feet of antiseptic solutions and not to allow the funds of others for personal hygiene.
If the first signs of mycosis, it is recommended to start immediately the treatment. This will allow you to get rid of the problems in the short term and avoid complications.