According to the statistics, they get sick by the fungus 20% of the population. Many loose the disease to follow its course and then stop investing, because the disease advances, it happens in other parts of the skin and even internal organs, in which there are complications, the patient fungus delivery and physical aesthetic.
The disease appears in any part of the body: the skin, organs, bone tissues, for example, nails of the plate. As soon as they appeared the signs of the disease, it is necessary to go urgently to a technician of your dermatologist for the treatment is progressive, and the patient is rid of pain, discomfort.
When the fungus feet the first symptoms usually appear between the fingers. Here occurs the itching, inflammation, dryness and flaking. There are several types of fungi between the toes, in function of the same, change, and medications. To deal with this must be specialist. In this article we explain what are the fungi between the toes of the feet are symptoms, causes, as it can be cured, look at the photo.
The causes of the fungus between the toes of the feet
Regardless of the location of the defeat by the fungus, the etiology of the disease remains constant. 60-70% of the people who come to a doctor, a fungus causes precisely the race are dermatophytes. But to locate the type must be the doctor. It appears the fungus for the following reasons:
- When you visit public places, where there is a warm and humid climate, there is a high risk of getting the infection. This applies to workers of data of places, and not just for the visitors. In this case, it is necessary to observe measures of prevention.
- The infection of a family member or a roommate in the house. Normal the floor or the carpet can be a source of disease, and in families of more high-risk, because they usually use general hygiene: towels, bed linen, manicure set, various hygiene items.
- The third-party use of clothing (socks) or shoes.
- Increased risk of hiv infection in people at risk, to refer patients with poor immunity, the beriberi who live in places with bad environmental situation suffering from endocrine diseases, such as obesity and diabetes mellitus, or of systems, cardiovascular, people who take antibiotics and hormones in excess, with the increase of sweating and dryness of the feet, to the pregnant women.
- Pathology of the skin of the foot and between the toes.
- Wounds, scratches and cuts between the toes.
- Poor blood supply in the legs.
The symptoms of the fungus between the toes of the feet
Fungus between the fingers, occurs due to the multiplication of the fungi this kind of as molds, exerts the action antifungal, for yeast.
The manifestations of the disease can be divided into stages.
So, in the beginning of the disease usually the fungus thrives in secrecy. The fungus infects the area between the average, anonymous fingers and the little finger of the foot. Then, the disease progresses, jumping on one foot.
- The first stage, which is known as erased, is characterized by dryness of the skin and between the toes, because of it, the clouds are forming cracks around the foot and in the interdigital area, it is observed the detachment of the top layer of the dermis. The patient may complain of pain, itching and burning sensation in the areas. This stage may not be as visible to the patient, so that he does not consider it necessary to consult a dermatologist. It is very important to diagnose the potential of the disease at this stage, to prevent complications and the progression of the disease.
- The second stage – the disgidroticheskaya. Manifestations of this stage are visible to the patient, when she the sick flock to the. In the second stage in the skin appear papules and inflamed. The skin becomes thicker, the drying of the more than remarkable, the toes, the feet swell. The itching becomes unbearable, the patient complains of a strong pain, especially when walking. Stage brings in enough physical discomfort.
- The third stage is squamous gipertroficescoy. The disease progresses, the skin acquires the unpleasant aspect, it is thick. The cracks become larger and deeper, are formed exesa plots. In the fingers, and between them appear grayish-white of the plate. The itching can be the same or increase.
- The fourth and last stage – the intertriginous. At this stage, the affected area is filled with pus, the inflammation such as the red plots very visible. The sick difficulty to move due to the pain in the legs when walking. The feet swell, the papules will be removed and reserve the wounds open, leading to secondary infection. The disease spreads to other parts of the legs, even in the nail plate.
The fungal treatment between the toes of the feet
The dermatologist carries out all the procedures necessary to obtain accuracy in the diagnosis of the disease. Sets the gender of fungus hit the skin.
There is a method of self-diagnosis of fungi, to which the foot is immersed in a potassium permanganate solution and left for ten minutes. Healthy skin is of color, the sick do not. Therefore, we can identify the disease in the beginning of its development and the time to see a doctor.
The doctor of the consultation of the patient. What are its symptoms, have long since appeared the disease, if there is disease of the internal organs. Then, the dermatologist performs the visual inspection of the affected areas. Is performs a skin biopsy to confirm the type of fungus. Also for the diagnosis and planning of therapy are used the following methods:
- The study of the skin under a light lamp (wood's Lamp). This procedure is carried out pretty quickly – no more than a minute as the uv light may damage the health.
- Bacteriological sowing, is carried out in the period of 20 days, but thanks to this method, we can determine the type of fungus, and to follow the treatment.
The doctor also determines the degree to which the defenses of the immune system. Says that and how to cure fungus between the toes of the feet.
As practice shows, the best results are obtained through the application of various forms of drugs. This treatment is called comprehensive, which includes the application of the different forms of the prepared medicated (ointments, creams, aerosols), the step of the various procedures, the use of the recipes of folk medicine for strengthening the effectiveness of the medications. Assign a complex treatment should primary care physician. Duration of therapy it may take a month or several years, depending on the type of fungus and the stage of the disease.
They are normally used medications in the following ways:
- Hormonal of the tool of fungi between the toes of the feet. They include in their composition of the substance, which is a hormone. It is the most effective means, but these should be used only under medical prescription and if drugs don't help.
- Normal ointments, creams, gels, drops, sprays. The most common type of the medications for the therapy.
- The vitamins and mineral substances.
During the treatment you can pass the physical therapy, as well as recommended to follow a proper diet to improve metabolism and enhance immunity.
The fungal treatment between the toes of the feet remedies
Start the medicine of your own manifestation therapeutic effect practically it is not, but if you combine it with the medicines in combination therapy, as a complement, the result you can brighten. Treat fungus between the toes of the feet at home without first consulting with the specialist, it is not recommended.
Many medications are prohibited to pregnant women, infants and children, can cause an allergic reaction in patients due to synthetic composition. In this case, without the use of means natural not to go. Before using home remedies, it is necessary to verify that the patient with an allergic reaction.
Normally for the treatment of fungi between the toes, use trays with different ingredients, such as:
- The salt and the baking soda. You can apply the tubs with these components separately and together. In the water drop the feet in the 15 to 20 minutes before the procedure it is necessary to wash and dry the feet. After the procedure, also to dry with a towel, put on socks.
- Apple and wine vinegar in an efficient way and destroy the fungi. In the water with the concentrated solution of vinegar down the foot in 10-15 minutes, after the routine of the feet don't dry out.
- The cooking of the milkweed is also very effective. Prepare and insist, add in the tub and it keeps it feet for 20 minutes. This procedure can be performed two times a week.
They are also very common recipes of lotions. In they wet the cotton swabs and processed the affected area. For lotions use the following tools:
- With a solution of permanganate of potassium treat the skin and leave for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, it is necessary to wash the tool.
- Treat skin onion juice for ten minutes.
The fungal treatment between the toes of the feet medicated methods

As has already been said, the best treatment is the complete solution. It includes the use of drugs in different ways. Adults are usually prescribed stronger creams and pills, gels and creams.
Drugs against the fungi produced in the forms of:
- Ointments, creams, gels.
- Sprays, aerosols.
- The drops.
- Tablets and solutions for injections.
The medications can be hormones in the composition, in this case, can not be used to children, pregnant women and in period of lactation, as they are very active in beings. Designate your doctor if the medications do not help. The hormone of the medications from the list of contraindications and side effects.
The prevention of fungi between the toes of the feet
For the effective treatment and to avoid a new fungal infection between the toes of the feet, it is recommended to follow the preventive measures:
- To increase the immunity. To do this, it is necessary to eat well, experience minor physical loads, harden, drink vitamins. To avoid an overdose of drugs.
- Pay attention to the general situation of the health, cure the disease of the internal organs.
- To avoid mechanical damage in the feet.
- Try not to attend public places, where it is possible to house the fungal cells.
- Do not give outside and not enjoy the strange clothing and footwear.
- To cure all the sick by the fungus of the members of the family.
- Observe the rules of hygiene.
- In a timely manner to the doctor.