The beaches, public toilets, swimming pools – all it is a place where it is easy to get onychomycosis. In addition, nail fungus may develop if they are not met
hygiene, dress, disruptive, or dirty shoes. In the present stage of the development of medicine there are tools that allow to fight effectively against the disease, but the treatment process of a long and exhaustive.
Classification of onychomycosis
Of the species of fungi in the nails may depend on the tactic, the duration and the complexity of your future treatment. Therefore, it is important to determine which option is the development is observed in this case. There are several classifications of onychomycosis. The most popular are two of them, that best reflect all the details of the defeat of the nail fungus.
Classification of national scientists:
- Normotroficheskie form onychomycosis. Changes the color of the surface of the nail, which appear in the grooves of the band and the spot, located primarily in the lateral, closer to the cuticle) parts of the nail. The thickness and density of nails of this form does not change.
- Hypertrophic form. Nail plaza is complicated by hyperkeratosis. In this case, disappears on a healthy sheen to the nail, he is twisted, thick, you can see the flaking or crumbling on the sides.
- Animalisticheskaya of way. Observed atrophic changes in the nail, beginning with the distal edge of the, appear landslide areas, which are first seen as white areas. The color of the surface of the nail becomes more muted, greyish.

The classification proposed by N. Zaias in 1972:
- Distal subungual form. The changes affect the tip of the nail, it slows down, it crumbles, one can observe incorrect growth and thickening (grows as the wave). The color of the nail becomes yellow, white or grey.
- On the surface of the form. Express the changes in the form of the appearance of white spots and stripes, which gradually increase, change the structure and become darker.
- Proximal subungual form. Is original around the rear of a roller and is distributed in the direction proximal to the cuticle.
- Total degenerative form. The whole nail becomes incorrect structure, thickens, changes color, falls apart.
Outwardly onychomycosis in the early stages easy to accept by the lesion of the nail, or the manifestation of avitaminosis.
The treatment of nail fungus

To begin with, we must understand that nail fungus is a disease that does not heal by itself, even if you remove the factors that daan. For the treatment of nail fungus often turn to the therapy. The basis of therapeutic action are antifungal of the tool. Depending on the degree of damage of the surface of the nail and forms of the disease, which can be selected different tactics of treatment:
- The local therapy. This is acceptable only when the initial phases of the disease. When the drugs are used on the surface in the form of ointments, creams, varnishes nails.
- The systemic therapy. It is necessary that the more serious the damage, when the onychomycosis subject more than half of the nail. In this case, in the course will, in addition to local resources, and the drugs that are taken in the interior.
It is difficult to choose the best remedy for nail fungus, what is needed is a general approach. Note that the complexity of the therapy takes into account some measures of hygiene. In particular, if establishing the diagnosis of onychomycosis is necessary disinfection, treatment of shoes, socks, gloves, clothing, contact with the affected area, a careful manipulation of towels, personal care products. These activities are carried out in special disinfectants.
Systemic treatment: pills

The treatment preformed media called the system, because the substance enters the body, it is absorbed in the blood and with its current reaches the place of action, accumulating operating at high concentrations. The systemic approach more justified, as it helps to prevent complications of the disease, and to provide full support "of all parties". The media system is observed for a number of contraindications and limitations of use. For example, you can not take during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, before its use requires mandatory consultation of the specialist.
Local therapy: the ointment
The local treatment of onychomycosis is very effective, since the fungus all prefer to stay a long time on the surface. But only in the early stages of the disease. A valuable local advantage of drugs is that directly act directly on the plot of the defeat without circulation in the body. That is to say, the possible unwanted effects of such media is reduced to a minimum. In addition to antifungal component, an ointment within a antibiotic and anti-inflammatory corticosteroids vehicle. It takes away from the local itching and irritation. All the ointment should be applied on clean and dry skin, not only in the place of the damage, but also around grabbing areas healthy. The treatment of ointments is carried out in a period of 2 to 8 weeks depending on the activity of the drug, the area of the defeat and the recommendations of your doctor. The structure of the cream is not able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the nail and the skin, so for it to be effective it is necessary to prepare the damaged area. Nail plate should be cut (like the nail is peeled off and crumbles, it is easy and not hurt). The cream is applied directly on the pad under the nail and into the damaged tissue around it.
Local therapy: antifungal nail Polish

Medicinal anti-fungal lacquers of nails are an indispensable tool for the local application. Of course, the varnish is worth sharing with creams or ointments. And in the first place, you must know the opinion of your primary care physician. The different media can be different ways of applying, on whom it is worth to ask the doctor or the manual of the application. Often varnish put 1-2 times a day in the cleaning of the nail. The treatment continue least 2 weeks.
The treatment of severe forms of onychomycosis
Difficult in the execution of the cases of onychomycosis requires an integrated approach to therapy. When the doctor selects the best combination of prescription topical and systemic means. This approach has a lot of positive things:
- Reduces the duration of the treatment (for example, instead of 18 months in the treatment of onychomycosis stop griseofulvin – only until the year of therapy).
- Reduces the risk of development of adverse reactions on the part of an organism (by means of the application of lower doses of drugs and the redistribution of local and system tools, which you should drink on the inside).
- It significantly reduces the possibility of the development of the relapse of the disease.
- The possibility of influence not only on the fungus that "on the surface", but also in the possible spread of the infection into other tissues in the body.

For the selection of the therapy it is necessary to study carefully the history of the disease and collect all the information about the pathogen. Then, the doctor will be able to pick more effective in this case, the drugs we immediate of the action the Russian language.
The means for maintaining the removal of the affected nail
In today's world, where it is difficult to find the time to get to a physician's office, people are accustomed to use methods for self-medication. One of them was without pain way to reduce the affected by the nail fungus. It is worth noticing that this does not equate exactly to the treatment of nail fungus. Rather, it is a temporary option to defer the treatment, and the alternative of type of surgical intervention. On the basis of the compositions of these medications include propylene glycol, urea, and various acids and oils. This complex substance has several actions:
- anti-inflammatory, analgesic and reduce swelling;
- softening the effect of the nail bed, which contributes to its detachment;
- proteoliticescoe the action;
- antiseptic effect.
After the patient the nail is removed, you must use the cream to speed up the growth of the new nail surface. To disinfect the open end of the fabric and create favourable conditions for the growth of the new nail. Keep in mind, if you suddenly feel discomfort at the site of application of the cream, burning, pain or itching, you should immediately remove the pack, wash the site of application. When there is a general discomfort, burning sensation or itching in the treatment area, immediately remove the patch, wash with water and soap and see a specialist.
The treatment of onychomycosis children

The treatment of any disease, including onychomycosis in children should be done under strict supervision of a doctor. The body has its own characteristics, which limit the application of some tools. For example, the body of a baby still not up to the end of the formed a potent system of immunity. The child at a certain age continues the growth and development of virtually all organs and systems. Given the high toxicity of many antifungal effects of the media, its use in children is strictly limited. For the treatment of onychomycosis children sometimes are prescribed the tools of the local application. On the one hand, are more secure, because they do not have a system of action, but with another – can cause allergic reactions, to which many children are prone. Therefore the allocation of the antifungal drugs should carry a doctor who is familiar with history of a child.
Effective treatments of onychomycosis of the traditional medicine
Home remedies for the home and self-medication hardly help to cure the disease completely. However, they are capable of a bit of remove unpleasant symptoms of itching, burning, pain, swelling, redness. In addition, they can become a key part of an integrated approach to treatment of nail fungus. Home remedies is most economic method of treatment and recovery during and after illness. In the ranking of the most powerful proven popular methods of treatment of onychomycosis consists of the following ways:
- the hydrogen peroxide;
- the vinegar;
- iodine;
- tea tree oil;
- different oils benefits of essential oils.

All of these methods are tested by time and the large amount of people. In addition, its effectiveness can explain the meanings easily with the medical point of view. Most of the drugs of modern medicine contain in its composition of these elements. So, without a doubt, the media have a right to exist.
The hydrogen peroxide
The hydrogen peroxide has an antibacterial action. You can find in the medicine cabinet of almost any family. And buy in the pharmacy of its more easy, simple, because it is sold without a prescription. For the treatment of onychomycosis of the hydrogen peroxide applied as a compress on the affected area the feet or hands. First you must carefully wash the area with soap and water with warm water, to steam the nail Polish with the addition of soap or soda. Dry carefully the plot, that he did not stay liquid. Following out the hygiene of the nails of your cut and the briefest way possible the file nail file. Cotton and bandages are made of cotton-fair of the strip, which should permeate hydrogen peroxide. The base of the pack close to the case section, secure several layers of bandage, knotted (would not recommend the bloodstream). The top is wrapped by a polyethylene film. The pack lasts for 30 minutes, after which remove and wash the affected area with warm water. This procedure is performed every day, before you see the effect.
Iodine applique

The situation of iodine is approximately the same as and with hydrogen peroxide. He is in practically every home, and in the case that the cheap you can buy at the pharmacy. Iodine has fungal property, when it inhibits the growth and reproduction of the mushroom, you die from your cells. In the skin and nails of the person affected, thus relieving the inflammation and itching. Before performing the procedure, should be carefully washed with a plot of water damage and soap, to treat the aesthetics of the way and dry with a dry cloth. It is also necessary to prepare the container with the solution of soda. After which you can apply the iodine on the nails, cuticles and the skin between the toes. Then lower the feet in a solution of soda in 30 minutes.
This method has several contraindications and side effects:
- May occur intolerance of individual iodine.
- The presence of thyroid disease requires a consultation with a specialist prior to performing the procedure.
- It is possible local irritation, pain.
The benefits of essential oils oils
There is some scientific evidence of the benefits of essential oils oils efficiently struggle with mycosis. In particular, the essential oil of cinnamon can be used against onychomycosis. The cinnamon is able to regulate the content of sugars in the blood – the main food of the fungi. Prepare before the application of essential oil of cinnamon is similar to similar: to steam legs, to try and nail scissors, nail file, dry. The cinnamon oil should be massaged into the nail bed of a finger and rub it on the area of the cuticle immediately after this. For acte, the nails should be steamed.
Fundamentals of prevention of onychomycosis

In order that the fungus has not touched you and the members of his family, must comply with the simple rules of hygiene and the rules of usage of public places:
- Necessary to make a careful hygiene of your feet every day: wash with soap and water, dry. Once a week, followed by the cutting of nails, and process the cuticle.
- The footwear should be comfortable, not pressing, not rubbing. The foot should not sweat. If this happens – choose footwear made of natural materials.
- Their shoes in the stores, be sure to use disposable drawing..
- Being in public places – baths, swimming pools, hotels, beaches – should not go barefoot. The shale would be enough to protect your feet.
- After visiting public places should wash the feet with soap and water.
- Comply with the mind to the choice of manicure and pedicure. All materials and tools should be run and disinfected prior to each and every visitor. Best use of personal media or disposable materials.
- You must use a good emollient cream for the feet, so that there are no cracks and burrs.
Compliance of these simple rules will help you avoid the infection with the fungus of the nails. And in the case of the disease — not extend it to other people and more of a hurry mysterious.